Keeping data stakeholders on the same page.
There is a story behind the data. It has characters in the form of stakeholders. In order for data to be fully understood and actionable, stakeholders need to easily collaborate. We help get everyone on the same page.

Data Contracts & Schema Registry
Are your schemas and data contracts shared with stakeholders?
Schemabook facilitates collaboration on Data Contracts. In addition to providing a central schema registry, we keep stakeholders on the same page. Stakeholders can communicate with the data producer directly. They can understand the SLAs and focus on data quality which ultimately leads to more actionable data.

Collaboration and Communication
Keep stakeholders on the same page
We provide tools to keep all stakeholders on the same page. Need to request a schema change to a database table you don't control? We provide a clean interface for collaboration and will alert all stakeholders of the pending change.
Publish Schemas
Define your schema and publish it for interested stakeholders.
Data Contracts
Collaborate on schema changes and SLAs where all stakeholders can see.
Stakeholder Notifications
Notify stakeholders of upcoming changes and other relevant information.
The story of data
Prevent service disruptions and data loss
Ever had a column removed from a database while someone was dependent on it? Ever been told to send data to an endpoint and not known how it would be used or what data was essential? Many times, the stakeholders of data don't know one another. Making an upstream change needs to be communicated to downstream consumers. Many system designs don't provide a mechanism for proactively notifying all stakeholders of change. Schemabook solves these problems by allowing interested parties to identify themselves and collaborate on the definition of the data–the schema.
Identify Stakeholders
Publish your schemas allowing stakeholders to identify themselves as an interested party.
Communicate Changes
Communicate changes to schemas before they go into effect preventing data loss and service interruption.
Version Control
Keep track of schema versions telling the story of how the data evolved.
Schema Validation
Verify payloads against schemas to ensure they are in compliance.
Data Regulations
Search across your organization's schemas to see where regulations apply.
Various Formats
Communicate your schema in formats your stakeholders can use like Avro and JSON Schema.
Schema CDN
Schemas can be published to a CDN for fast retrieval.
Team Collaboration
Teams can collaborate on schema changes and the impacts of those changes on the system.
Valuable Metrics
Understand the story being told
Gain insights into data usage. Understand the hot spots and how data is repeated. By understanding what data you have and who is using it, you can streamline processes and make more efficient systems.
Database tables Data warehouses are continuing to grow. Do you catalog what data is in yours?
Data pipelines Event driven systems are great for distributing data, but to whom can get lost relatively easily.
Service Level Agreements Internal stakeholders should be thought of as customers. Service Level Agreements set expectation around delivery and volume.
Number of stakeholders How many users of data exist in your organization?. What team is behind that critical service?
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